6 Tips You need to Create A Successful Morning Routine

6 Tips You need to Create A Successful Morning Routine


2023 is right around the corner, and if you are like myself, you are looking to make some changes and try and do a reset to be a more efficient version of yourself – and one of those changes may be that you want to implement a successful morning routine to start your day off on the right foot.

I’m by no means one of those people who preach you must have a new year’s resolution just because its the thing to do – and we all know that most of us end us quitting our resolutions throughout the year (in fact, around 91% end up quitting)

However, I am one of those people that does believe we need a goal to strive for and push ourselves towards. This may be because I am naturally a more goal-oriented person, but I do think it has benefits to try and adopt a mindset based on goals, because, I believe we can all surprise ourselves at the end of the year when we reflect and can say, “wow, I accomplished XYZ this year” or “I didnt think I would ever be able to achieve this and I’m glad I stuck it out”. Goals do not give me purpose in life, but they do help me, at least in my opinion, grow as a person. So, I wanted to take a moment and just reflect on some of the tips I implement to help me stay motivated and accomplish my goals, and for me, it all starts with building a solid morning routine.

image of an amazon ad, linking buyers to create a successful morning routine
a photo of a woman stretching on a yoga mat, used in the blog on building a successful morning routine

Why is setting a morning routine important?

Setting a morning routine is important because it can help you start your day off on the right foot and set the tone for a successful and productive day. A well-planned morning routine can help you feel focused, organized, and energized, and can even improve your physical and mental health.

Having a morning routine can also help you prioritize your tasks and activities, which can be especially important if you have a lot going on in your life. By starting your day with a clear plan, you can avoid feeling overwhelmed and stay on track with your goals.

Additionally, a morning routine can help you establish healthy habits and routines that can benefit you in the long run. For example, if you include exercise or meditation in your morning routine, you’ll be more likely to make these activities a regular part of your day.

a photo of a man on a phone, used in the blog on building a successful morning routine
image of an amazon ad, linking buyers to create a successful morning routine

6 Tips for a Successful Morning Routine

A morning routine can be a total game-changer for your productivity and overall well-being. By setting aside a few minutes each morning to focus on your priorities and get organized, you can set the tone for a successful and productive day. In this blog, we’ll go over the steps for creating a morning routine that sets you up for success. From determining your priorities to testing out your routine, we’ve got you covered. So let’s get started!

Step 1: Determine your priorities. Before you start planning your morning routine, it’s important to think about what your priorities are. What do you want to accomplish each day? What are the most important tasks or activities that you need to fit into your day? Knowing your priorities will help you structure your morning routine around the things that matter most to you.

a photo of a yellow alarm clock on a bed, used in the blog on building a successful morning routine

Step 2: Set a wake-up time. Once you know what your priorities are, it’s time to set a wake-up time that allows you to get everything done. Consider how much sleep you need to feel rested and alert, and set your wake-up time accordingly. If you have a hard time getting out of bed in the morning, consider setting an alarm on the other side of the room so you have to get up to turn it off.

Step 3: Plan your morning routine. Now it’s time to start planning your morning routine. Consider what you want to do as soon as you wake up, such as making your bed, taking a shower, or practicing meditation. Then, think about the tasks and activities that you need to complete before you start your workday or other responsibilities. This might include things like making breakfast, packing a lunch, or checking your schedule for the day.

image of an amazon ad, linking buyers to create a successful morning routine
a photo of a person using a day planner, used in the blog on building a successful morning routine

Step 4: Make a list. This one is huge for me. As an enneagram 1, I am a massive believer in creating a good list, which is why I have tons of notebooks in my house – just to write down lists and check them off. Write down all the tasks and activities that you want to include in your morning routine, and arrange them in the order that you want to do them. This will help you stay organized and make sure you don’t forget anything important. If you are looking for a good journal, click here!

Step 5: Test out your routine. Once you have your morning routine planned out, it’s time to try it out and see how it works for you. Keep in mind that it may take some trial and error to find a routine that works for you, so be flexible and make adjustments as needed.

Step 6: Adjust as needed. As you get used to your morning routine, you may find that certain tasks or activities aren’t working for you or that you have more or less time than you thought. That’s okay! It’s important to be open to making adjustments as needed to make sure your routine is effective and efficient – and personalized to how you operate!

a photo of a motivational sign that reads, "you didn't come this far to only come this far", used in the blog on building a successful morning routine
image of an amazon ad, linking buyers to create a successful morning routine

Successful Morning Routine: Wrap-Up

Setting a morning routine is a simple but powerful way to start your day off on the right foot and set the tone for a successful and productive day – just remember to give yourself grace throughout the process and take time to celebrate the wins! By determining your priorities, setting a wake-up time, planning your routine, and making adjustments as needed, you can create a routine that works for you and helps you feel focused, organized, and energized. Whether you want to prioritize work tasks, personal goals, or other activities, a morning routine can help you stay on track and make the most of your day. So don’t wait – start creating your morning routine today and enjoy the benefits of starting your day off right!

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