5 Home Office Design Trends You Need to Know in 2023

5 Home Office Design Trends You Need to Know in 2023


Like many, I found myself working from home when the pandemic hit, which meant I had to do a lot of rearranging and adjusting to set up a work-from-home space that I enjoyed every day. Also like many, I perused Pinterest and social media to see what others were doing when it came to Home Office Design Trends. I wanted something that felt different from the rest of my house so that I could feel like I was stepping into a different space when I went into “work mode”.

For me, I felt like this helped me separate myself from being confined to the four walls of my home 24/7 and gave me a space where I could explore some different vibes, if you will, to help me boost productivity.

My Set Up

Now, I did not go as far as building a “cloffice” or anything, although I do like the idea of them and the thought behind utilizing spaces in your home more efficiently to match your lifestyle, I did end up converting one of our spare bedrooms into a full office. I took the bed out, repainted it from the warm green that we had to a nice white, and then used the space as sort of an open canvas, a place where I could express myself fully from the rest of the home where it is shared with my wife (not that both of our individual tastes dont come out in the general space of our home, but I think you do have to come to compromises in some spaces so that both parties feel comfortable).

I purchased art from my favorite artists, explored color more, printed some of my own photography, and hung it up. After a good month of dreaming and crafting, I finally felt like I had a space that was mine and where I could escape the visuals of the rest of my home and be transported to work, but in a way that was refreshing and not oppressive (meaning I didn’t want my space to make me sigh every day and think “well, here we go again, back to the grind).

photo of an office with plants all around the desk for the blog on home office design trends

Our Spaces Should Grow As We Do

However, over time, I slowly felt myself wanting to make changes in my office. Something that I spent so much time on and put so much thought into, why I am feeling like I needed to make changes to it?

Well, I think as in life, we begin to change, and the same scenery every day can begin to become normalized. As we grow and change, we kind of expect our spaces to as well.

That’s why I wanted to write a post on the 5 design trends I see coming for home offices in 2023 – because the more we are home, the more areas of our life we are going to want to incorporate into our living spaces. I truly believe this is a revolutionary time for furniture companies to are now tasked with designing furniture to better fit the needs of individuals in the now.

So, without further to do, let’s explore the 5 design trends I see coming in 2023:

5 Home Office Design Trends

  • Ergonomic designs: As more and more people work from home, the demand for ergonomic home office products is likely to increase. This could include things like adjustable desks and chairs, monitor stands, and laptop stands that help reduce strain on the body.
photo of a wooden desk with a laptop on it for the blog post on Home Office Design Trends
  • Sustainable materials: There may be a trend towards using more sustainable materials in home office products, such as bamboo or recycled plastic. This could include things like desks, chairs, and storage solutions that are made with eco-friendly materials. Fun fact: I got my gorgeous office desk from my local farmer’s market. it is made out of reused tobacco barn wood and made from a local furniture maker – I picked it up for $100, which I think is a steal for locally made & reclaimed.
  • Multifunctional furniture: With many people working from home, there may be a trend towards multifunctional furniture that serves multiple purposes. This could include things like desks that can be converted into standing desks, or chairs that can be used for both sitting and standing.
  • Tech-integrated furniture: As technology becomes increasingly important in the home office, there may be a trend towards furniture that is designed to integrate with and support technology. This could include things like desks with built-in charging stations or chairs with built-in lumbar support for those who spend a lot of time in front of a computer.
a photo of moss wall art by company PlantCare for the blog on home office design trends
Moss Wall Art by PlantCare
  • Biophilic design: This is a big fancy word that essentially means bringing more nature into your home. This trend will incorporate elements of nature into the design of the space, which could include things like plants, natural light, and natural materials to create a more calming and restorative workspace. I personally believe a moss-designed piece of artwork is beautiful and definitely brings in the outside world, in.

Home Office Design Trends: Wrap-Up

I hope these home office trends for 2023 have given you some ideas for creating a comfortable and efficient workspace. Whether you’re looking for ergonomic designs, sustainable materials, multifunctional furniture, tech-integrated pieces, or biophilic design elements, there are plenty of options to choose from. So go ahead and start planning your dream home office – your future self will thank you!

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